Qawwali Groups In
Chand Ali Khan Qawwal & Party
Chand Ali Khan Qawwal & Party stand as the premier UK-based international Qawwali group, specializing in the devotional music of the Sufis. Lead qawwal Chand Ali Khan is widely celebrated for his virtuoso talents within the realm of Qawwali. With a focus on preserving and propagating this sacred musical tradition, the ensemble captivates audiences worldwide. Their performances exude the spiritual essence and intricate melodies inherent to Qawwali, captivating listeners with their heartfelt renditions. Chand Ali Khan Qawwal & Party's dedication to this art form ensures the continuation of its legacy for generations to come, spreading its message of love and unity across cultures and borders.
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Autonomous vehicles developer
With AI, the world is your oyster! It is an emerging field, rapidly growing, ever evolving and watched with a keen eye by industries and markets globally. There are many benefits to an education in AI:
That’s why after graduating, you’ll be able to apply your professional skills and knowledge, and work for development teams at any sector you find appealing.

Augmented reality (AR/VR) developer
Virtual (or augmented) reality isn’t all just fun and games, as great and enjoyable as that aspect is. It can also be used for groundbreaking social and psychological research, defensive purposes and therapy.
With an Applied Artificial Intelligence degree from IU University of Applied Sciences, you can take part in this vital field of technological development, and work on a wide variety of interesting projects.
Change what the world thinks about the possibilities that AI offers, and make a real difference in people’s lives, while enjoying every step of the process.
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